The benefits of growing your own herbs with an indoor Smart Garden

Apr 01, 2024

Growing your own herbs at home with an indoor smart garden like the Click and Grow Smart Garden 3 offers numerous advantages over purchasing potted herbs from the store. Not only is it significantly more flavorful and cost-effective, but it's also an eco-friendly choice that benefits both you and the environment.

When you grow herbs in your own smart garden, you have complete control over the growing conditions. The herbs are harvested at peak freshness, ensuring maximum flavor and nutritional value. In contrast, store-bought potted herbs often sit on shelves for days or weeks, losing their vitality and taste. Homegrown herbs burst with vibrant flavors that elevate your culinary creations to new heights.

In addition to superior taste, growing your own herbs is remarkably cost-effective. A single plant pod can provide months of continuous harvests, giving you an abundant supply of fresh herbs at a fraction of the cost of store-bought options. Over time, the savings add up, making an indoor smart garden a wise investment for both your wallet and your kitchen.

Moreover, opting for a home herb garden is an environmentally conscious choice. Store-bought potted herbs often come in plastic packaging and may be transported over long distances, contributing to carbon emissions. By growing your herbs, you eliminate the need for packaging and reduce the environmental impact associated with transportation. Plus, with a smart garden like the Click and Grow, you can enjoy an energy-efficient and sustainable way to cultivate your herbs year-round.


About Click & Grow

Click & Grow is an Estonian company founded in 2009 by Mattias Lepp, who was inspired by a NASA report about growing plants in space. The company's mission is to help people experience the benefits of gardening, even in busy urban environments. Click & Grow develops smart gardens that automatically take care of watering, light, and nutrients, allowing users to easily grow plants indoors year-round. With over half of the world's population living in cities and many reporting high stress levels, Click & Grow aims to bridge the gap between modern life and nature. Their smart gardens enable people to enjoy fresh, flavorful produce and the therapeutic benefits of plants, such as improved air quality and reduced anxiety, from the comfort of their homes.